Aircraft Insurance

Aircraft insurance encompasses a broad array of aircraft. When using the term aircraft we include standard aircraft, experimental aircraft, light/sport aircraft, rotor wing aircraft, sea planes, gliders etc. IF you have a passion for flight and own a personal aircraft or an aircraft that you use in conjunction with your business than you want aircraft insurance to insure the physical damage to your aircraft and liability protection to protect you in the event of property damage or bodily injury to others.

Fixed Wing Aircraft: Standard Category, Light/Sport & Experimental

airplane insurance Fixed wing aircraft used for Pleasure & Business use is a sought after account for most insurance companies. They have spent countless hours developing automated quoting systems in order to bring down the cost of insuring the smaller fixed wing aircraft of the general aviation fleet. Competition for these policies is very high at the moment and you need to make sure that you get quotes from all the available underwriters for your aircraft insurance at each and every one of your renewal cycles. Learn More ....

Corporate/ Turbine Aircraft

Beech Jet 400

Corporate Aircraft/ Turbine Aircraft are usually piloted by a professional flight crew and therefore have the best safety rating which usually coresponds to the best rates for their Insurance Policy. There are different criteria used in rating Corporate Aircraft Policies that aren't really applicable to the smaller aircraft. Criteria such as Range of Operations (many of today's large size business jets are capable of Inter Continental Travel), average passenger load, operated single pilot or dual crew, Etc. Colt International. has the honor to arrange comprehensive insurance packages for a number of flight departments and/or their primary agent who recognizes the need for an experienced aviation agent to help him/her identify the exposures and coverages their client needs. Learn More ....

Rotor Wing

Eurocopter Rotorwing aircraft used for Personal, Business or Commercial Operations are a unique class of risk that has many exposures and uses that fixed wing aircraft are either not capable of or not suited for. Rotorwing insurance is readily avaiable in the marketplace and enjoying some very competitive rates lately which is excellent for you the consumer. Rotorwing insurance has many caveats and idiosyncrisy's that need to be addressed by an experienced and knowledgeable agent. Learn More .....

Commercial Aircraft

Commercial Aircraft operations have many different exposure's and risks associated with operating a for profit business involving aircraft. From 91,121, 135, 137 and 141 operations each have there own unique risks that need to be addressed. To name just a few:Eurocopter

  • Aircraft Additions and Deletions
  • Pilot Turnover
  • Area of Operations
  • Workers Compensation
  • Owner/Lessor Liability
  • Passenger & Cargo Liability
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At Colt International we strive to make your insurance purchase as easy as possible. We have orgranized a list of quick links you can access below to start your insurance purchase.

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